C aid schungite pellets can be done full body massage. The imposition of hot stones relieves pain in the legs, back, neck, relieves muscle fatigue, Koroma of the metabolism. This very simple procedure treats and soothes the nervous system, increases blood
Relax The set includes:
3 large stone 80-10mm
8 medium-sized stones 50-70mm
9 small 30-40mm
19 + karzinka small pellets for pellet storage schungite
Smooth unpolished stones
C aid schungite pellets can do full body massage. Imposition of hot stones relieves pain in the legs, back, neck, reduces muscle fatigue, Koroma of metabolism. This very simple procedure heals and soothes the nervous system, increases blood circulation in the lower back, an excellent effect on the spine. The result - the removal of headache, getting rid of dipressii and relaxing the body.
A more detailed list of diseases for which is shown shungite stone therapy with stones:
joint disease, spinal diseases, insomnia, stress, headaches, mood swings, constipation, diarrhea, back pain, varicose veins, muscle atrophy, osteomyelitis.